When Does Online Registration Open Each Day?

Our online registration is always open and allows you to choose your visit time whenever you are ready, regardless of the time. If it’s late at night and you know you need to visit first thing the next morning, you can go ahead and choose your visit time for the next day.

Register online from home or the clinic and select your visit time.

icon showing computer screen

Receive text reminders and updates.

icon showing computer screen

Check-in at the kiosk when you arrive.

Remain in the waiting room until you are called back.

Online Registration vs. Walk-Ins and Wait Times

Patients will be seen in order that they register. Many of our patients register online and wait from home; therefore, if you walk into the clinic, many people will likely walk in after you who have registered online and, therefore, will be seen before you. This is due to them being in the queue ahead of you.

Once you’ve registered, you will receive a text one hour before your selected arrival time and instructions on what to do once you arrive at the clinic.

Note: Once you arrive at the clinic, you will still have a bit of a wait in the waiting room as our staff prepares to see you. Registering online reduces (does not eliminate) your in-clinic wait time.

In order to reduce the risk of illness for you, our patients, and our staff, Only patients and parents/guardians of minor patients are permitted in the clinic. All other family members or guests must remain in the car or wait outside.

See our Online Registration FAQ Page to learn more.


Please select the clinic nearest to you below to start the online registration process: