Are you looking for a new primary care provider? We want you to know that you can rely on the MainStreet Family for all of life’s little emergencies. To make life a little easier, we’re excited to offer primary care for our patients as well! We’re here for life’s bumps and bruises and now we can help with your annual checkup or your high blood pressure too. We believe that all visits to the doctor’s office should be as quick and convenient as your urgent care visits. That’s is why we offer primary care appointments 7 days a week, including our extended hours!
Primary Care Service Offered at MainStreet
- Annual Physicals
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Asthma
- Acid Reflux/GERD
- Diabetes
- Gout
- Lab Work
- Thyroid Issues
- Smoking Cessation
What is a primary care provider?
A primary care provider handles chronic conditions (like diabetes, frequent migraines, or high blood pressure) as well as your general wellness. While urgent care is helpful for unexpected illnesses and injuries, primary care keeps track of your health and health conditions, some of which may have to be managed with medication.
Why should I have a primary care provider?
A primary care provider makes keeping track of your health much easier. That increased continuity of care makes it easier to spot potential problems and offers a better record of your health if any issues do arise. Simple test results can reveal underlying issues that you maybe didn’t even know you had! Regularly visiting a Primary Care Provider is beneficial for adult health and wellness.
If you ever have a serious problem that requires a specialist, care is much more streamlined because the specialist will have an accurate medical record for you. Research has shown that people with a Primary Care Provider have better chronic disease management, lower overall healthcare costs, and a higher level of satisfaction with their care. So what are you waiting for?
How do I sign up?
Extended hours and weekend availability make scheduling a primary care appointment extra convenient.
To sign up, simply enter your email address and create a password here. Once you click “Next” you will be prompted to complete the registration process and schedule your first appointment. If you’re the new neighbors on the street, let us be the first to welcome you. You can walk in and visit us 7 days a week!