MainStreet Family Care is proud to announce that our clinic in Erwin, North Carolina is now open! We are very excited to be a part of this community, and we are thankful for the amazing welcome we have received.
Here are some answers to our frequently asked questions!
How Long Are Wait Times?
Our online registration significantly reduces in-clinic wait times and is highly recommended to all of our patients. Wait times vary based on the number of people that registered before you. The system will give you an estimated wait time, and you can wait from anywhere until we are ready to see you. When we’re ready, we will send you a text, and you’ll have thirty minutes to arrive at the clinic.
Once you’re at the clinic, you will have to fill out some necessary paperwork before we can see you. Although this requires a bit of in-clinic waiting, this system makes in-clinic wait times much shorter.
How Do I Schedule An Appointment?
We do not accept appointments at our clinic; however, you can register online and join the line from anywhere. Our online registration significantly reduces in-clinic wait times.
When Does Online Registration Begin?
You can begin registering online thirty minutes before the clinic opens. Patients are seen in the order that they registered.
Does MainStreet Offer COVID-19 Testing and Treatment?
MainStreet Family Care offers COVID-19 services in our clinic. Visit our COVID-19 testing and treatment page for more information.
Where Are You Located?
We are located right next to Aaron’s Furniture Store on Highway 421.
What Are Your Hours?
MainStreet Family Care is open seven days a week! Monday through Friday, our hours are 8am to 8pm, and Saturday and Sunday, our hours are 9am to 4pm.
Can MainStreet Be My Primary Care Provider?
We proudly offer primary care services and would love to be your provider! MainStreet also offers these services seven days a week. Visit the patient portal to create an account.