How can I register to be seen at MainStreet?
At MainStreet Family Care, we accept online registration and walk-ins. We encourage patients to register online to reduce in-clinic wait times. This also allows you to do most of your waiting from the convenience of your home.
Please note that if you walk into the clinic, you will fill out the same registration form and be added to the queue, which includes people waiting from home.
When does online registration open each day?
Registration opens every day 30 minutes before the clinic opens.
Note that during the flu season, our daily queue can fill up very quickly. Feel free to check back throughout the day to see if a spot opens up.
Can I make an appointment for urgent care?
No, we do not have appointments for urgent care. Registering online gives you an estimated wait time. Then you will receive a text with a 30-minute notice when it is time for you to head to the clinic.
Once you arrive at the clinic, you will still have a bit of a wait as our staff prepares to see you. However, by registering online, you can do most of the waiting from your home.
I registered online. Now what?
Once you have successfully registered online, you will see an estimated wait time on your screen. Note, this wait time is estimated. Sometimes things happen that affect the estimated wait time. However, when it is time for you to head to the clinic, you will receive a text message. Once you arrive at the clinic, make sure you check in at the kiosk.
What should I expect when I arrive at the clinic?
Once you arrive at the clinic, you will check in at the kiosk. You will have to wait a bit in the waiting room once you arrive. This gives our staff time to finish any necessary paperwork before your room becomes available and you are called back. By registering online, you get into the queue and get to do most of your waiting from home!
How long is the wait?
The wait depends on how many patients have registered before you. Because everyone registers online, we can give you an estimated wait time.
The wait time can be highly impacted by the season. For example, flu season can increase wait times drastically.
The waiting room is empty. Why do I still have a long wait time?
A lot of our patients register online from home. Therefore, when you walk into the clinic to register and the waiting room is empty, there are still people in line ahead of you in the queue. These patients will still be seen before you since they registered earlier.
I was waiting in the waiting room, and someone else walked in and was seen before me; why?
We use an online registration system that allows patients to register and wait from their homes. They receive a text message with instructions to head to the clinic. Therefore, they will walk in and be seen before you because they have been in the queue (and therefore waiting from their home) longer.
There is a message saying the clinic is closed, but it is during your business hours?
Online registration can close during the busy seasons at MainStreet Family Care once a certain number of patients have registered for the day. While our goal is to help as many people as possible, it is necessary to close registration to give our patients the best experience and not overwhelm our staff.
If you see a screen saying that registration is closed, that does not necessarily mean for the whole day. As patients are seen, and numbers begin to go down, registration can open back up. Therefore, you can check throughout the day to see if registration opens back up.
I need a primary care appointment. How do I make one?
We also offer primary care at each of our MainStreet Family Care clinics. You can register for primary care and make appointments through the patient portal.
Learn more about primary care at MainStreet Family Care.